Four Three-Letter Acronyms for you to know and what they actually stand for 👀
Four Three-Letter Acronyms for you to know and what they actually stand for 👀
In order for you as a publisher to better understand, how ad tech works, it is crucial to basically understand what programmers are talking about.
As with many subjects, acronyms are used, which can be rather confusing when you hear them for the first time. Here are four of them:
👉DSP – or demand-side platform is used by advertisers to buy display, video, mobile and search ads.
👉DMP – or data-management-platform is a platform where 1st, 2nd and 3rd party data is collected, analysed, managed and activated.
👉RTB – real-time bidding (sometimes also referred to as RTA – real time advertising) enables advertisers to buy and sell online ad impressions in a blink of an eye so their ads are shown instantly.
👉SSP – a supply-side platform allows publishers to instantly connect their inventory with ad exchanges, networks and DSPs at the same time to sell impressions at their highest value.
Technology evolves fast, especially in the ad tech sector. Staying up to date on terminology is therefore crucial in order to not miss the boat! ⛵️
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