Smartico - Smart Ads
95% of businesses are SMBs, yet they have been chronically underserved regarding (digital) advertising in the past. A circumstance, that has become worse during the pandemic. Until the pandemic struck, small and medium businesses did not pay much attention to digitization. Yet suddenly, it has become necessary to survive.
Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, etc. - most common solutions on the market are made for companies that either can afford a marketing agency, or have their own marketing department. These resources are normally not accessible for SMBs.
What do SMBs really need? A friendly push and a little bit of help to get digital advertising working for them. And digital ads are a brillant opportunity for SMBs, without having to change their whole business model.
The key to smarter ads - Smartico
Automation meets human touch - with Smartico, print or digital doesn't have to be an either-or choice for local advertisers. Smart ads allow publishers to turn local advertisers' print ads into mobile first banners at scale and with profit. At the same time SMBs create memorable experiences while driving traffic both online and offline.
How does it work?

Data made easy
For each advertisement the client receives access to an intuitive visual dashboard. Summarized on one single site, the dashboard show the ad based on the print source or URL and simultaneously explains the value of the online ad to the client in simple terms. No CTRs and CPCs that local advertisers do not use in everyday lift. But rather terms like attention through time-spent on page, clicks on contact buttons and active swipes.

Smartico sounds like the perfect solution for your business?
Contact us for more information or your individual demo now!